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Senin, 25 Februari 2008

Re: [Self-Publishing] re: Seeking opinions of authors who've used subsidy publishers

On Feb 24, 2008, at 1:46 PM, bowerbird@aol.com wrote:

I wrote:
>> if you have a book that MIGHT have legs, you need to give
>> yourself options just in CASE it takes off and runs away with you.
> it seems to me that having somebody else -- especially someone big,
> like createspace --handling your order-taking and fulfillment is
> the _best_ preparation for runaway success.

You can outsource that part of the process without using a subsidy
press. My general recommendation (and not all projects are the same,
but this is a good rule of thumb):

--If you're doing a couple of dozen copies, a subsidy press makes sense.
--If you're doing a few hundred, using a POD printer that does
fulfillment (like LSI, or many of the other biggies) is the best
option, financially.
--If you're doing a few thousand copies, you should switch over to
offset, and use either a trade distributor or a fulfillment house.

(Although, of course, you can't effectively do any switching with a
subsidy -- even if you can take the book out of their catalog, which
isn't always easy, you lose all the momentum when you get a new ISBN,
and a new design for the cover, etc.)

> and if that also minimizes risk if the book tanks, then i'd say you
> have covered _both_ ends of it...

This is sometimes true. Your downside may be lower with a subsidy.
You really do have to gauge your project, your goals, your resources
and above all, CRUNCH YOUR NUMBERS for all likely cases, before
making a decision.

I know that many people don't know what their options are, or even
what numbers to crunch. That's why I volunteer to write articles all
over the place about what and how to crunch. And then, when it became
apparent that folks were intimidated by doing the calculations, I
made the downloadable stuff I have on my site (there's more in
development, btw). I'd like to think it's cheap, easy to use, and
pretty comprehensive. I hope it encourages those who don't know how
to use Excel to start evaluating their financials on a more
systematic basis.

But flying blind (I know Michelle didn't, but I'm expanding on the
topic) is a bad idea, no matter what you're doing.

Just one POV.

Marion Gropen
Gropen Associates, Inc.
By-The-Question Consulting, Inexpensive Tools for Small Presses, and
For info, visit http://www.GropenAssoc.com or call (888) 3GROPEN
NEW: Marion's BLOG has moved to her site. Come ask her your questions!

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