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Senin, 25 Februari 2008

[Self-Publishing] re: Seeking opinions of authors who've used subsidy publishers

marion said:
> above all, CRUNCH YOUR NUMBERS for all likely cases

to tell people they have to "crunch the numbers first" is
to tell them they must make self-publishing a business.

that's one point-of-view, as you put it.

another point-of-view is to say "lower your costs to zero,
so you're not _forced_ to treat your book as a _business_."

if you take the latter approach, you can all it "art" instead,
or "an experiment in basing the world on gift-exchange
rather than commerce", or any of a variety of other labels,
including "giving something back to a community i love",
or "creative self-expression", or just "scratching an itch"...

these are new options no-cost "subsidy publishers" enable.

as such, they exert _a_positive_force_ in our world today,
and do not deserve to be lumped with the "vanity presses"
of yesterday, which existed to separate money from fools.

i am happy to let the business point-of-view be promulgated.
why do you seem to have a big problem when i express mine?

people are intelligent enough to choose the one they like best.


Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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