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Senin, 25 Februari 2008

[SBIG] Re: Boosted Red Tendrils in M82

Nice detail Steve, the boost seem to help some. The galaxy could
maybe use some sharpening maybe. the method I use on this with PS
CS2 Smart Sharpen (works with unsharp mask as well) is the following:

1. Dupicate the Layer
2. May the top layer not active
3. Select the bottom layer
4. Use the magic Wand to select the hi-lights
5. Used the smart sharpen (CS2 or CS3) or unsharp mask
6. Do Not de-select the image, instead make the top layer active
7. Click the white circle on the layer's platte which creates a layer
8. Select a brush and the forecolor black
9. Set the opacity of the brush to say 60%

Now you can paint over the area you selected and let the sharpening
in from the bottom layer. if you do too much, check change the
foreground color to white and undo (maybe at a lower opacity)

What all this is about is controling how much you want to sharpen. I
have used this for a while and it just gives me more control.

Anyway, you have a cool looking image there.


--- In SBIG@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Bell" <sb635@...> wrote:
> I tried a technique to record more of the red tendrils shooting out
of the core of M82:
> http://sb635.mystarband.net/m82_lab_mpc_1_39_boost.jpg
> I duplicated the image and did a Curves to brighten the tendrils.
Of course, this brightened everything. I cut out a circular region
surrounding the top brightened tendril, and cut and pasted it into
the original image, with feathering. It looked like it blended in
nicely. I did the same for the bottom tendril. Then I did the whole
thing again, to give a double boost. Sometimes, though, when playing
these tricks, a banding pattern will show up around the borders of
the cut and paste region if you are not careful. A good way to see if
this has occurred is to invert the image, I did, I didn't see any
problems, but that's only on my monitor.
> To see the original without the boost, go to:
> http://sb635.mystarband.net/m82_mpc.htm
> I admit, there's not a gigantic difference, but every little bit
> Steve
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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