Re: Novella?
I guess since there are so many knowledgeable and friendly people
here, I will ask a few more questions. :-)
Here is my question: is there a market for 60,000 word, 120 page
fiction novellas? (Or 200 pages if the word count is about 300 words
per page). I'm also working in the genre of science fiction and
fantasy so I realize that is a genre with a relatively small
audience. I certainly have my work cut out for me. :-)
This seems like it might actually be a better way to approach agents
and small publishers -- instead of sending a fat phonebook sized
manuscript for a novel, (after making contact), I wonder if they
would be more willing to look at a relatively short and concise
novella. I wonder if this good be a could a smart way to introduce
myself, and of course such it work could be expanded upon. I could
simply expand on a few of my short stories.
Or are novellas something that simply don't make any money because
people want a big pick 800 page paperback to read at the beach.
And again, I want to say thanks to everyone for answering my
questions. I'm one of those people who is more "artistic," therefore
unfortunately I am a terrible businessperson. I'm learning an
extraordinary amount in a very short time about the publishing
industry on this web site. So thanks again for your generosity in
terms of sharing your knowledge which I realize has great value.
Any advice would be much appreciated. Hopefully I can return the
favor at some point. :-)
Thanks again.
Rob Steibel

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